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Further Information on Equal Opportunities

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Promotion of women's continuing vocational training

For many women, gainful employment is part or their plans for life. However, now as before, women’s careers differ from careers of men. Women mostly do the main part of the family work. They often interrupt their employment for child rearing and switch to part-time jobs. Besides, they get paid less for doing the same jobs as men and are seldom found in leading positions. Special upgrade training courses, mentoring and support programs, and much more are to support women in their advancement (KIT Intranet).

Advanced Training

To enhance your professional qualification you can take part in a variety of courses and in diverse funding programs. (KIT Intranet)


Mentoring supports the transfer of the mentor's knowledge to the mentee to support the mentee's professional career. (KIT Intranet)


The Internet Portal to excellent women academics "AcademiaNet - Datenbank zur Recherche hochqualifizierter Wissenschaftlerinnen" presenting profiles of leading women scientists was launched on November 2, 2010. The portal's objective is to increase significantly the percentage of women in scienitifc leading positions as well as in committees and boards.

Brochure: "No More Excuses! - Leading women in science" - AcademiaNet - an initiative of the "Robert Bosch Stiftung" in cooperation with "Spektrum" und "nature".

"scientifica" Women in MINT-Sciences - The portal "scientifica" provides women with interest in natural and technological sciences information about financial support, event notes and job advertisemtns to be promoted in MINT-Sciences during their studies and career. The target group are women in all stages of a scientfic career: from female high-school graduates who are interested in MINT-studies to female students up to female professors and female researchers at non-university institutions.