M.A. Sarah Wenz
- Head of Equal Opportunities Office
- Room: 325, building 07.07
- Phone: +49 721 608-44705
- Fax: +49 721 608-44701
- sarah wenz ∂ kit edu
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Straße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe
I am the head of KIT‘s Equal Opportunities Office and have been working in the relevant field since August 2010. I am available as your first contact whenever you may have concerns, ambiguities, or questions regarding equal opportunities and the balance between career, studies, and family life. Please do not hesitate to write to me or call me. You are also welcome to contact me personally.
- Work-life balance issues (among ohter things, I am spokesperson for the Board of "Familie in der Hochschule e. V." and project leader of "Audit Familiengerechte Hochschule" (audit family compatible unversity) - Certification from 2010 to 2023
- Publication of the newsletter "Familie am KIT" (family at KIT) and management of the KIT's family Portal
- Advisor to students with familiy responsabilities (e.g. as coordinator of the round table on "Studieren mit Kind am KIT" (studying as a parent at KIT), as head of the working group "Studieren mit Familie in Karlsruhe" (studying with familiy responsabilities in Karlsruhe), and as member in the campaign ("Kind & Campus: So geht's!" - child and campus: This is how it works!)
- Member of the board of the Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at universities and academic institutions in Baden-Württemberg" (LaKoG) as well as coordination of the working group "Against sexualized discrimination and violence"
- Member in various internal and external working groups (e.g. Fachteam Fächerkompetenzen (subject competencies team), Helmholtz-Netzwerk "Beruf und Familie" (Helmholtz network career and family), Netzwerk Konfliktmanagement (conflict management network)
- Acitivities in Women in STEM (among others, I am in charge of the annual Girls' Day at KIT's Campus South, I participate in the state alliance "Frauen in MINT" (Women in STEM), and I am member of the network "Förderung und Gewinnung von Schülerinnen und Studierenden" (promotion and recruitment of female pupils and students)
- Activities in KINT (with particular focus on organizing the Children's University and the supervision of children during vacations and conferences)
- Oraganization of the KIT Senate Commission on Equal Opportunities and Diversity
- Networking and coordiantion of women's delagates at the KIT departments
- Co-leadership of subproject 1 in the effectiveness analysis for the evaluation of KIT's equal opportunities policy "Development of a common understanding of equal opportunities"
- Coordination of the selection process for granting of the Erna Scheffler Sponsorship Award (in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Soroptimist Club)
The compatibility of work and family life is an issue that affects almost everyone. I believe that an as broad as possible family concept is important and useful, because every person bears responsibility for other persons, even beyond his or her original family. Everyone should therefore be able to work as flexibly as possible. This applies to both the employees and the students at KIT. With the measures and activities taken by the Equal Opportunities Office, we want to support this concept and raise interest and awareness, so that the compatibility of work and family life becomes more and more important and successful.
- Luca Marie Fröhlig - Equality Standards in Appointment Procedures
- Ralph Pawlowski - After-School Care, KIT Children's University, KiBU e.V.
- Kerstin Grimm - Secretary/University Responsabilities
- Sabine Ohlenschläger - Secretary/Large-scale Research Responsabilities